The ladies New-Years-gift: or, Advice to a daughter under these following heads, viz. Religion, husband, house and family. Servants, behaviour and conversation, friendships, censure, vanity and affectation, pride, diversions, dancing.

All titles
  • The ladies New-Years-gift: or, Advice to a daughter under these following heads, viz. Religion, husband, house and family. Servants, behaviour and conversation, friendships, censure, vanity and affectation, pride, diversions, dancing.
  • Lady's New Year's gift Advice to a daughter Lady's New-Years gift: or, Advice to a daughter
People / Organizations
Edinburgh: printed by John Reid, for James Glen, and Walter Cunningham, M DC LXXXVIII [1688]
Publication year
Grub Street ID
130 p. ; 12⁰
Anonymous. By George Savile, Marquis of Halifax.

Signatures: A?ÂÂ.ø†L?.

On the titlepage the words "religion, husband, house and family. Servants, behaviour and conversation," and "friendships, censure, vanity and affectation, pride, diversions, dancing." are bracketed together in two columns; the brackets face each other.

With a licence to print on A1v: Licensed, January 9. 1687/8 Rob. Midgley.