The Christian's manual. In two parts. I. The catechumen: or, An account given by the young person of his knowledge in religion, before his admission to the Lord's Supper, as a ground-work for his right understanding the Sacrament. II. An introduction to the sacrament: or a short, safe, and plain way to the communion-table; being an instruction for the worthy receiving the Lord's Supper. To which is added, The communicant's assistant; being devotions to that purpose; fitted to be used before, at, and after the receiving the blessed sacrament. Collected for, and familiarly addressed to every particular communicant. By L. Addison, D.D. Dean of Litchfield

All titles
  • The Christian's manual. In two parts. I. The catechumen: or, An account given by the young person of his knowledge in religion, before his admission to the Lord's Supper, as a ground-work for his right understanding the Sacrament. II. An introduction to the sacrament: or a short, safe, and plain way to the communion-table; being an instruction for the worthy receiving the Lord's Supper. To which is added, The communicant's assistant; being devotions to that purpose; fitted to be used before, at, and after the receiving the blessed sacrament. Collected for, and familiarly addressed to every particular communicant. By L. Addison, D.D. Dean of Litchfield
  • Catechumen; Introduction to the sacrament; Communicant's assistant
People / Organizations
London : printed for W. Crooke, at the Green Dragon without Temple-Barr, near Devereux-Court, 1693. The fourth edition.; ..
Publication year
Grub Street ID
[10], 170 p. ; 12°.
Each part has separate t.p.