Four new plays, viz: The surprisal, committee, comedies. The Indian-queen, Vestal-virgin, tragedies. As they were acted by His Majesties Servants at the Theatre-Royal. Written by the honourable Sir Robert Howard. Imprimatur, March 7. 1664/5. Roger L'Estrange

All titles
  • Four new plays, viz: The surprisal, committee, comedies. The Indian-queen, Vestal-virgin, tragedies. As they were acted by His Majesties Servants at the Theatre-Royal. Written by the honourable Sir Robert Howard. Imprimatur, March 7. 1664/5. Roger L'Estrange
  • Plays. Selections
People / Organizations
London : printed for Henry Herringman, and are to be sold at his shop at the Blew-Anchor in the lower walk of the New-Exchange, 1665.
Added name
Dryden, John, 1631-1700. Indian queen.; Herringman, Henry, -1704, printer.
Publication year
Grub Street ID
[12], 242, [2] p. ; 2°.
Each play has separate title page

"To the reader" contains a discussion of the use of rhyme in dramatic verse, which occasioned Dryden's Essay of dramatick poesie. Howard replied in the preface to "The great favourite, or, The Duke of Lerma."

P. 186 misnumbered 191; p. 191 misnumbered 186; p. 234 misnumbered 228

"The Indian queen" is partly by Dryden. Cf. DNB

Microopaque only contains "The surprisal" and "The committee"

Signatures: a]4 b]2 A-2H]4 2I]2.
Uncontrolled note
DFONOTE jre: "surprisal...committee," and "" are bracketed together on t.p.; add 510 for Woodward & McManaway, no. 650