A thousand notable things of sundry sorts, enlarged. Whereof some are VVonderfull, some strange, some pleasant divers necessary, a great sort profitable, and many very precious whereunto is now added, many excellent new conceits never before printed, very witty, usefull, and delightfull

All titles
  • A thousand notable things of sundry sorts, enlarged. Whereof some are VVonderfull, some strange, some pleasant divers necessary, a great sort profitable, and many very precious whereunto is now added, many excellent new conceits never before printed, very witty, usefull, and delightfull
  • Thousand notable things, of sundry sortes
People / Organizations
London : printed by Henry Bruges, for John Wright, at the Globe in little Brittain, 1675.
Publication year
Grub Street ID
[6], 403 [i.e. 304], [36] p. ; 8°.
"The preface of the author to the reader" signed: Thomas Lupton

P. 304 misnumbered 403

With an index

In eleven books, each with caption title

Another edition of "A thousand notable things, of sundry sortes", first published in 1579.