This is written in plainnesse of heart, and bowels of everlasting love to my persecutors, who have shot sore at me, and hated me without a cause. Both magistrates, priests and people in Stafford sheir, or elsewhere, that ye all may be turned from the darknesse to the light and from anti-christ without, unto Chrust within, who is the light of the world, and hath lighted every man therein with his saving light. Some queres also, for such who call themselves ministers of Christ, but are altogether unlike him, or his ministers to answer. Together with a warning from the Lord God of life and power to repent, and leave persecuting, and striving against, or kicking against the Lord. Written from one who have been in the pit, death, grave, and Hell; but am come from far, and am sit down with Abraham, Isaack, and Jacob, in the heavenly places with them that are in Christ, but unknown to you, I am: but by the name I have received amongst you, Humphry Wollrich
- People / Organizations
- Imprint
London] : Printed for Robert Wilson, at the signe of the Black-spread-Eagle and wind-Mill in Martins-lane near Aldersgate, [1661
- Publication year
- 1661
- ESTC No.
- R219472
- Grub Street ID
- 94006
- Description
- [2], 20, [2] p. ; 4°.
- Note
- Place and date of publication from Wing
With a final blank leaf
Signatures: A-C]4
Also identified as Wing W3300A.