Minerva's triumph: or, Gramar and rhetorick in all the parts of them, personated by youths in dramatick scenes in a country school. Presented to the view of all that love learning, but especially recommended to the perusal of young schollars, and the use of schools at thei breakings up. By several school-masters
- All titles
- Minerva's triumph: or, Gramar and rhetorick in all the parts of them, personated by youths in dramatick scenes in a country school. Presented to the view of all that love learning, but especially recommended to the perusal of young schollars, and the use of schools at thei breakings up. By several school-masters
- Words made visible
- People / Organizations
- Imprint
London : printed for Dan. Brown at the Black-Swan and Bible without Temple-Bar, 1683.
- Publication year
- 1683
- ESTC No.
- R220015
- Grub Street ID
- 94480
- Description
- [8], 112, 111-187, [1] p. ; 8°.
- Note
- "Words made visible: ... the second part." has separate title page, with imprint "printed by B.G. for Daniel Major and are to be sold ... Dan. Brown ... Tho. Orrel ... 1678", on leaf G7r
A reissue of "Words made visible" (Wing S3050), with cancel title page and lacking advertisement
Identified as Wing S3040 on UMI microfilm set "Early English books, 1641-1700", reel 849
Date of CSmH copy (Wing S3040) misreported to Wing as 1680; in fact the 1683 copy.