Joh. Amos Comenii vestibulum novissimum linguæ Latinæ: rerum & linguæ cardines exhibens (ad leges methodi linguarum novissimæ concinnatum) Anglic factum (secundm ejusdem exemplar ab Henrico Schoof Belgic redditum,) atique cum originali diligenter comparatum, & grammaticá vestibulari indice Anglico, ita accommodatum, ut hinc brevi tempore Latina lingua solid addisci queat. Cui annectitur, orthographia Latina, atque grammaticæ vulgò lilianæ synopsis, curâ & sumptibus J. Riparsi. = Joh. Amos Comenius his last porch of the Latin tongue: setting out the agreement o things and language (made fit unto the rules of the last method of languages) made English (according to the copy thereof turned into Low-Dutch by Henry Schoof) and carefully compared with the original; also so fitted with a vestibulary grammar, and an English table, that hence the Latin tongue ma be perfectly well learned in a short time: by J. Brookbank.

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  • Joh. Amos Comenii vestibulum novissimum linguæ Latinæ: rerum & linguæ cardines exhibens (ad leges methodi linguarum novissimæ concinnatum) Anglic factum (secundm ejusdem exemplar ab Henrico Schoof Belgic redditum,) atique cum originali diligenter comparatum, & grammaticá vestibulari indice Anglico, ita accommodatum, ut hinc brevi tempore Latina lingua solid addisci queat. Cui annectitur, orthographia Latina, atque grammaticæ vulgò lilianæ synopsis, curâ & sumptibus J. Riparsi. = Joh. Amos Comenius his last porch of the Latin tongue: setting out the agreement o things and language (made fit unto the rules of the last method of languages) made English (according to the copy thereof turned into Low-Dutch by Henry Schoof) and carefully compared with the original; also so fitted with a vestibulary grammar, and an English table, that hence the Latin tongue ma be perfectly well learned in a short time: by J. Brookbank.
  • Last porch of the Latin tongue
People / Organizations
London: printed by R. Hodekinsonne, 1647 [i.e. 1657].
Publication year
Grub Street ID
[15], 138, [4] 141-221, [4] p. ; 8⁰
'To the reader' signed: J. Brookbank.

Identified as Wing C5531, reel 1809, of the UMI microfilm set, Early English books, 1641-1700.

Date of publication from Wing.
Uncontrolled note
Even numbers are on the recto of each page