A dayly exercise of the devout Christian, containing several moving practices of piety; in order to live holily, and dy happily. Publish'd by T.V. monk, of the holy order of St. Benedict

All titles
  • A dayly exercise of the devout Christian, containing several moving practices of piety; in order to live holily, and dy happily. Publish'd by T.V. monk, of the holy order of St. Benedict
  • Dayly exercise of the devout Rosarists
  • Testament
People / Organizations
London : printed for Matthew Turner, at the sign of the Lamb, in Holborn, 1688. The fifth edition corrected.; ..
Added name
A. C. (Arthur Crowther), 1588-1666.
Publication year
Grub Street ID
[64], 446, [2] p. ; 8°.
Earlier editions are "by A.C. [i.e. Arthur Crowther] and T.V. [i.e. Thomas Vincent]"

An edition of: "The daily exercise, of the devout Rosarists", published in 1657

Title page and calendar in red and black

Caption title on last leaf: A Testament, to be made by a good Christian every day.