A rich treasure, the knowledge whereof is useful, profitable, pleasant and delightful. Treating, 1. Of the four complexions. 2. Notable and approved medicines. 3. The signification of thunder, &c. 4. Of silent language. 5. Rules for blood-letting. 6. Pleasant arithmetical questions. 7. To know when fair weather. 8. Of bills, bonds, wills, &c. 9. Of weights, measures and offices and conditions of men, mentioned in the scripture. 10. Of silk worms. 11. Of angling. 12. To save a quater of cloath in cutting out a shift. 13. Assize of bread. 14. Instructions for improvement of land. 15. The right ordering of bees. 16. To make sider, perry and artificial wines. 17. To order swine, goats, mules, asses, and other cattel to advantage. 18. Of domestick poultry, and the right way of ordering them to advantage. 19. Of pigeons and conies. 20. Accounts cast up. 21 Names of market-towns, with divers other notable things. By several hands

People / Organizations
London] : Printed for Geo. Conyers, at the Ring in Little Brittain. Price 1s., [1698
Added name
T. T., active 17th century.
Publication year
Grub Street ID
144 p. ; 12°.
Preface signed: T.T

Date and place of publication from Wing

Gathered in 6s

Signatures: [A]]6] B-M]6

Identified as Wing T62 on UMI microfilm set "Early English books, 1641-1700", reel 1432.
Uncontrolled note
Signatures from DFo. DFONOTE jre: title reads: "...12. ... quarter..."; table on M6r