The pain-mans [sic] path-way to heaven. Wherin every man may clearly see whether he shall be saved or damned. Set forth dialogue-wise, for the better understanding of the simple. By Arthur Dent, preacher of the word of God at South Shoobery in Essex. Corrected and amended: with a table of all the principall matters, and three prayers, necessary to be used in private families, hereunto added.

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  • The pain-mans [sic] path-way to heaven. Wherin every man may clearly see whether he shall be saved or damned. Set forth dialogue-wise, for the better understanding of the simple. By Arthur Dent, preacher of the word of God at South Shoobery in Essex. Corrected and amended: with a table of all the principall matters, and three prayers, necessary to be used in private families, hereunto added.
  • Plaine mans path-way to heaven
  • Pain-mans path-way to heaven. Wherin every man may clearly see whether he shall be saved or damned Plain-mans path-way to heaven. Wherin every man may clearly see whether he shall be saved or damned
People / Organizations
London: printed by W.H. for G. Lathum, in Pauls Church yard, at the sign of the Bishops-head, 1654.
Publication year
Grub Street ID
[10], 423, [33] p. ; 12⁰
With final table of contents plus "A morning prayer to be used in private families." and "An evening prayer to be used in private families."Citation/references Wing (CD-ROM, 1996), D1054