One of Mr. Vincent's last sermons. Or A suitable warning to all stubborn sinners; exactly setting forth the true causes of God's fierce wrath, and dreadful judgments which hang over our heads. With serious invitations to solemn prayer and fasting, that we may avoid the same, and thereby prevent the designs of wicked and ungodly men, who should rejoice to the downfall of the godly. Also, The sword of vengeance held forth: the wrath of the almighty appearing against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who despise the offers of grace, and reconciliation by Jesus Christ, who shall perish for neglecting so great salvation
- People / Organizations
- Imprint
London : printed for T[homas]. Passinger, at the Three Bibles, on London-bridge, 1685.
- Publication year
- 1685
- ESTC No.
- R236587
- Grub Street ID
- 107340
- Description
- [2], 22 p. ; 12°.
- Note
- Publisher's name suggested by cataloger
Signatures: A]8] B]4
Cf. Wing V446, which has date of publication: 1679.