By the King, a proclamation whereas we have been informed, that a false, scandalous and traiterous libel, intituled, An Inquiry into the causes of the miscarriage of the Scotch-Colony at Darien, or, An answer to a libel, intituled, A defense of the Scots abdicating Darien, has been printed and dispersed, the design of which libel was to create a misunderstanding between our subjects of England and Scotland

People / Organizations
London : Printed by Charles Bill, and the Executrix of Thomas Newcomb, deceas'd ..., 1699 [i.e. 1700]
Added name
William III, King of England, 1650-1702.
Publication year
Grub Street ID
1 sheet ([1] p.).
"Given at Our Court at Kensington, the Twenty ninth Day of January, 1699. In the eleventh Year of Our Reign."; A response to An enquiry into the causes of the miscarriage of the Scots colony at Darien ..., attributed to George Ridpath; which itself is a response to A defense of the Scots abdicating Darien, by Walter Harris.
Uncontrolled note
Unedited record