A good souldier, maintaining his militia, and posturing himself, as the servants of the Lord, now and in all ages, have postured the kingdomes; wherein the right-hand of the Lord with his servants directing their way, and blessing their worke; and all his ordinances, fasting, praying, preaching, &c. unto the nation, is declared as mightily, as it was by the resurrection from the dead, whether we respect a nation or a man only. Here is a register of Gods blessings and Satans curses; a record of the (megaleia,) the great and admirable salvations, which God has wrought for the (righteous) nation, and the man there: and of the terrible things hee has done against his adversaries these foure last yeares. Humbly presented to the House of Parliament and Assembly of Divines. With a discovery of the loyall convert, that he is quite turned from his God, his kin and his kingdome: a most disloyall person to all three.

People / Organizations
[London]: Printed by order [by George Miller], on a day of rebuke and blasphemy: and in the yeare of earnest expectation after an expected end, 1644.
Publication year
Grub Street ID
[6], 154 p. ; 4⁰
Anonymous. By Ezekias Woodward.

"(megaleia)" in line 15 of title is in Greek characters.

The title page is a cancel. Cancelland (present in Thomason copy) has "By Hez. W." in line 16 of title, and imprint reads: London, printed by George Miller, dwelling in Black-Friers, 1644.

Text ends with a quotation from Job; "FINIS" stands alone. Variant: quotation lacking; "FINIS" is set off between rules.