Porta linguarum trilinguis reserata et aperta. Sive seminarium linguarum & scientiarum omnium, hoc est, compendiaria Latinam, Anglicam, Gallicam (& quamvis aliam) linguam vnà cum artium & scientiarum fundamentis sesquianni spatio ad summum docendi & perdiscendi methodus, sub titulis centum, periodis mille comprehensa. Latin primm. Nunc verò gratitudinis ergò in illustrissimi principis Caroli Britannicæque Gallicæ & Hybernicæ pubis, gratiam, Latin, Anglic & Gallic in lucem eruta, operâ, studio, & elucubratione Ioh. Anchorani Theol. Licentiati.

All titles
  • Porta linguarum trilinguis reserata et aperta. Sive seminarium linguarum & scientiarum omnium, hoc est, compendiaria Latinam, Anglicam, Gallicam (& quamvis aliam) linguam vnà cum artium & scientiarum fundamentis sesquianni spatio ad summum docendi & perdiscendi methodus, sub titulis centum, periodis mille comprehensa. Latin primm. Nunc verò gratitudinis ergò in illustrissimi principis Caroli Britannicæque Gallicæ & Hybernicæ pubis, gratiam, Latin, Anglic & Gallic in lucem eruta, operâ, studio, & elucubratione Ioh. Anchorani Theol. Licentiati.
  • Janua linguarum reserata
  • Janua linguarum reserata Seminarium linguarum & scientiarum omnium Gate of tongues unlocked and opened, or else a seminarie or seed-plot of all tongues and sciences
People / Organizations
Londini: Excudebat Georgius Millerus sumptibus Michaelis Sparke & Thomæ Slater, MDCXXXI [1631]
Publication year
Grub Street ID
[24], 226, [4] p. ; 8⁰
Anonymous. By Johann Amos Comenius.

A version of "Janua linguarum reserata", originally published in Latin and Czech (not to be confused with the earlier "Janua linguarum" of William Bathe and others).

With an index.

pi2 is another title page, an English translation of the Latin title page, reading: The gate of tongues unlocked and opened, or else a seminarie or seed-plot of all tongues and sciences. That is, a short way of teaching and thorowly learning within a yeare and a halfe at the farthest, the Latin, English, French, (and any other) tongue, together with the ground and foundation of arts and sciences, comprised vnder an hundred titles, and a thousand periods. In Latine first, and now as a token of thankfulnesse brought to light in Latine, English, and French, in the behalf of the most illustrious Prince Charles, and of British, French and Irish youth. By the labour and industry of Iohn Anchoran Licentiate in Diuinitie. London, printed by George Miller for Michael Sparke, and are to be sold at the Blew Bible in Greene Arbor 1631.