A plaine exposition of the articles of our faith, by short questions and answers, for the vnderstanding of the simple. Gathered by Arthur Dent Minister of the word of God: especially for the benefit of his owne flock: who hauing taught his people these points, is careful that they all may learne them: to this end, that euery of them of his charge, may be able to giue a reason of their faith.

All titles
  • A plaine exposition of the articles of our faith, by short questions and answers, for the vnderstanding of the simple. Gathered by Arthur Dent Minister of the word of God: especially for the benefit of his owne flock: who hauing taught his people these points, is careful that they all may learne them: to this end, that euery of them of his charge, may be able to giue a reason of their faith.
  • Exposition of the articles of our faith
People / Organizations
Printed at London: by F.K[ingston]. for C. Burbie, and William Young, 1606.
Publication year
Grub Street ID
[48] p. ; 8⁰
Running title reads: An exposition of the articles of our faith.

Signatures: A-C?.