The ordinary of Newgate's account of the behaviour, confession, and dying words of five malefactors, viz. Capt. John Tune, who suffered the 8th of December at excecution-dock, for piracy; John Smith and John Irwine, for robbing on the highway; and Nicholas Campbell and George Barber, for forgery; executed at Tyburn on Monday, February 2, 1761. Being the first and second executions in the mayoralty of the Rt. Hon. Sir Matthew Blakiston, Knt. lord-mayor of the city of London.
- All titles
- The ordinary of Newgate's account of the behaviour, confession, and dying words of five malefactors, viz. Capt. John Tune, who suffered the 8th of December at excecution-dock, for piracy; John Smith and John Irwine, for robbing on the highway; and Nicholas Campbell and George Barber, for forgery; executed at Tyburn on Monday, February 2, 1761. Being the first and second executions in the mayoralty of the Rt. Hon. Sir Matthew Blakiston, Knt. lord-mayor of the city of London.
- Ordinary of Newgate. Blakiston. 1-4
- People / Organizations
- Imprint
London : Printed and sold by J. Dixwell, in St. Martin's-Lane, near Charing-Cross, for the author: also sold by M. Cooper, in Pater-noster-Row, [1761]
- Added name
Dixwell, James, -1788, printer, bookseller.
- Publication year
- 1761
- ESTC No.
- T507299
- Grub Street ID
- 407271
- Description
- 55, [1] p. ; 4°.
- Note
- The ordinary of Newgate = Stephen Roe
Four numbers, each with separate undated title page; pagination and register is continuous
Below imprint in square brackets: Price six-pence
Numbers 3 and 4 have vertical chain lines
Signatures: [B]]2] C-E]2] [F]]2] G-H]2] [chi]]2] I-L]2] 2[chi]]2] M-N]2.