The great and last day of judgment: or, The last trumpet sounding, the graves opening, all the dead arising, to recieve [sic] their last sentence from the Lord Jesus Christ, who will descend from heaven in matchless glory, to reward the godly, and punish the wicked to all eternity. In several sermons. By Benj. Wadsworth, A.M. Pastor of a church of Christ in Boston. [Four lines from II Corinthians]
- All titles
- The great and last day of judgment: or, The last trumpet sounding, the graves opening, all the dead arising, to recieve [sic] their last sentence from the Lord Jesus Christ, who will descend from heaven in matchless glory, to reward the godly, and punish the wicked to all eternity. In several sermons. By Benj. Wadsworth, A.M. Pastor of a church of Christ in Boston. [Four lines from II Corinthians]
- Great and last day of judgment.
- People / Organizations
- Imprint
Boston, in New England: Printed by B. Green, for Nicholas Buttolph, at his shop at the head of King Street, 1709.
- Added name
Green, Bartholomew, 1667-1732, printer. Buttolph, Nicholas, 1668-1737, bookseller.
- Publication year
- 1709
- ESTC No.
- W12506
- Grub Street ID
- 321782
- Description
- [10],132p. ; 12⁰
- Note
- There exist two issues, not distinguished by Evans, printed for Nicholas Buttolph and Benjamin Eliot respectively.
Booksellers' advertisement, p. [10], 1st count.
- Uncontrolled note
- Signatures: A?(-A6) B-F?? G?. - READEX NOTE: The issue printed for Nicholas Buttolph was filmed