Tryals of thirty-six persons for piracy, twenty-eight of them upon full evidence were found guilty, and the rest acquitted. At a Court of Admiralty for tryal of pirates, held at Newport within His Majesties Colony of Rhode-island and Providence-Plantations in America, on the tenth, eleventh and twelfth days of July, anno Dom. 1723. Pursuant to His Majesties commission, founded on an act of Parliament, made in the eleventh & twelfth years of King William the Third, entituled, An act for the more effectual suppression of piracy. And made perpetual by an act of the sixth of King George.

People / Organizations
Boston: Printed and sold by Samuel Kneeland, in Queen-Street, below the prison, 1723.
Added name
Kneeland, Samuel, 1697-1769, printer. Added name Great Britain. Act for the more effectual suppression of piracy.
Publication year
Grub Street ID
[2],14p. ; 4⁰
Uncontrolled note
Signatures: [A]? B-D?. - PHOTOSTAT AMERICANA