Early seeking of God, earnestly recommended, from Psalm 63. 1. Death by sudden accidents, consider'd & improv'd, from Deut. 19. 5. Two sermons. By B. Wadsworth, A.M. Pastor of a church in Boston, N.E. [Six lines of Scripture texts]

All titles
  • Early seeking of God, earnestly recommended, from Psalm 63. 1. Death by sudden accidents, consider'd & improv'd, from Deut. 19. 5. Two sermons. By B. Wadsworth, A.M. Pastor of a church in Boston, N.E. [Six lines of Scripture texts]
  • Early seeking of God, earnestly recommended.
People / Organizations
Boston: Printed by B. Green, for N. Buttolph & B. Eliot, sold at their shops, 1715.
Added name
Green, Bartholomew, 1667-1732, printer. Buttolph, Nicholas, 1668-1737, bookseller. Eliot, Benjamin, 1665-1741, bookseller.
Publication year
Grub Street ID
[2],52p. ; 12⁰
"The first .. occasion'd by the death of Mrs. Anne Dewer .. December 20. 1714. .. The latter .. preached above a year past, occasion'd by the sudden casual death of Manasseh Marshal .."--Preface.
Uncontrolled note
Signatures: A-D? E4(-E4)