An help to get knowledge: or, An essay, familiarly to explain the Assemblies Catechism, to the capacity of the weakest learners; and prove the truths therein contained, by plain Scripture. By Benjamin Wadsworth A.M. Pastor of a church of Christ in Boston, N.E. [Six lines of Scripture texts]

All titles
  • An help to get knowledge: or, An essay, familiarly to explain the Assemblies Catechism, to the capacity of the weakest learners; and prove the truths therein contained, by plain Scripture. By Benjamin Wadsworth A.M. Pastor of a church of Christ in Boston, N.E. [Six lines of Scripture texts]
  • Help to get knowlege.
People / Organizations
Boston in N.E.: Printed by B. Green, for Nicholas Buttolph, at his shop in Corn Hill, 1714.
Added name
Green, Bartholomew, 1667-1732, printer. Buttolph, Nicholas, 1668-1737, bookseller.
Publication year
Grub Street ID
[2],ix,[1],176,[2]p. ; 8⁰
Error in paging: p. 153 misnumbered 35.

Recommendation in Latin by Rev. Mr. Nehemiah Hobart, with translation by Rev. Mr. B.C., p. [x].

"Books printed for & sold by Nicholas Buttolph .."--p. [177].

"Books sold by B. Eliot."--p. [178].
Uncontrolled note
Signatures: A-L? M?(-M8)